The Opportunities Available With Free Classified Ads

 Free advertising is good. Free advertising for your online business is especially nice. And there are many free advertising opportunities out there. One of the best free advertising opportunities is a free classified ad. A lot of business owners overlook them thinking that type of advertising is a waste of time. It's not a waste of time and the rewards can be massive.

The Opportunities Available With Free Classified Ads

A free ads are by definition, free! You can place a free online ad anytime. Night or day. Three hundred and sixty five days a year. No human interaction is required. No credit card or sign up costs. No recurring billing. And you can place the ad that you want with the wording that you want in as many free online ad sites as you feel practical.

Free classifieds can potentially put your business before thousand or more prospective buyers. The buyers or clients will see your ad, click on the link to your website, and possibly make a purchase when on your website. Many companies use free classified ads in their advertising plan. These companies have already used article marketing, blog commenting and other SEO tactics. They have added free classified ads as another tool in their optimization toolbox. The extra time invested? About two hours a week in time.

The easiest way to find free ad sites is by doing a Google search. You'll find pages of them. The thing that you have to do is sort the good from the not so good. Here's a list of "must haves" in a free classified ad site:

Free images. Adding images to your free classified ad is extremely important and does make a difference between getting a click or not.

A lengthy posting life. If your classified ad will only be up for one week and you have a bunch of them on different one week limit sites you will be spending more that couple of hours a week. Find a site that has at least a 90 day post life. There are many that offer 180 days or more.

Clickable links. Without a link to you online business you're just spinning wheels. Obviously you could put you web address in the ad in plain text and invite your readers to copy and paste the address into their browser. Not to likely. Unless the ad is very compelling they will move to the next ad.

Check the validity of the link. It is preferable that the link be one that Google and other search engines will follow, and not one that they will ignore. If you look at the HTML source and you see the word "unfollow" you have a link that will be disregarded by Google.

Post Free Ads All Over World in Countries Mentioned Below:

·         Free Classifieds Algeria

·         Free Classifieds Argentina

·         Free Classifieds Australia

·         Free Classifieds Austria

·         Free Classifieds Bangladesh

·         Free Classifieds Belgium

·         Free Classifieds Bolivia

·         Free Classifieds Cameroon

·         Free Classifieds Canada

·         Free Classifieds Chile

·         Free Classifieds China

·         Free Classifieds Colombia

·         Free Classifieds Costa Rica

·         Free Classifieds Côte d’Ivoire

·         Free Classifieds Dominican Republic

·         Free Classifieds Ecuador

·         Free Classifieds Egypt

·         Free Classifieds El Salvador

·         Free Classifieds France

·         Free Classifieds Germany

·         Free Classifieds Ghana

·         Free Classifieds Guatemala

·         Free Classifieds Hong Kong

·         Free Classifieds India

·         Free Classifieds Indonesia

·         Free Classifieds Ireland

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·         Free Classifieds Luxembourg

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·         Free Classifieds Mexico

·         Free Classifieds New Zealand

·         Free Classifieds Nigeria

·         Free Classifieds Pakistan

·         Free Classifieds Panama

·         Free Classifieds Paraguay

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·         Free Classifieds Philippines

·         Free Classifieds Puerto Rico

·         Free Classifieds Qatar

·         Free Classifieds Saudi Arabia

·         Free Classifieds Singapore

·         Free Classifieds South Africa

·         Free Classifieds Spain

·         Free Classifieds Switzerland

·         Free Classifieds United Arab Emirates

·         Free Classifieds United Kingdom

·         Free Classifieds United States

·         Free Classifieds Uruguay

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·         Free Classifieds Sri Lanka

·         Free Classifieds Sweden

·         Free Classifieds Thailand


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